
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Blooming day in Paris

Today was the 34th annual Bloom Where You're Planted program held at the American Church in Paris. It was a good day and I heard a lot of positive feedback. Nearly 200 people showed up to learn about living in France. The Ambassador's wife, Peter Caine, Dorie Greenspan, and many others were speakers. It was very interesting, but very exhausting for a volunteer like me. I picked up a Martha Stewart Children's magazine while I was there. So many things to make for Halloween!
I left Bloom before it was all over to go pick up the kids at school. It's not often I'm in a dress with heals walking the streets of Paris, not to mention the make-up. I felt like a real grown up, like the days when I would head to work every morning. People asked me where I was going.... did I have an important meeting? It made me feel like maybe I should wear something other than jeans everyday. Would it kill me to put on a little make-up? I'm sure these are fleeting thoughts because when I put on my jeans and comfortable (but not sneakers!) shoes on tomorrow morning and I will remember how good they feel.
Dropped my son off at soccer. It was drizzling out, but that didn't stop the practice. Let my husband pick him up and headed to the boucherie to buy one of the most wonderful poulet roti (roast chicken). It was delicious as always.

-- said Auntie M in Paris
7:40 PM



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