
Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I'm trying to get back into my routine, but it's difficult because I'm overwhelmed with stuff. We brought an amazing number of Christmas toys back to an apartment that was already crammed with more than 4 years of life. I suppose you'd think it would be a good idea to get rid of the crib and changing table and I couldn't agree with you more. I'm still trying to unpack the last of the suitcases (yes we did end up getting our lost luggage) and then tonight we got a grocery delivery from Carrefour. Grocery delivery is a wonderful thing and something that I understand has not yet caught on in the US that much. In fact being Paris and a big city you can get virtually anything delivered
Anyway, now between the luggage and groceries I can barely walk through my apartment.
Plus I need it clean since our landlord and an insurance guy are coming on thursday to look at some water damage. But that is another whole blogging story!
Must not touch computer tomorrow. Must clean house. Must not touch computer tomorrow. Must clean the house. If I say it often enough, maybe it will happen.

-- said Auntie M in Paris
11:10 PM



A good way to get rid of unwanted clutter:

# posted by Pat : 11:29 PM  

This year, I asked people not to buy me any presents, because I have absolutely nowhere to put them. Plus, I did not feel like hauling them back in my luggage, which was already crammed full of just the necessities.

Good luck on the cleaning. I have some to do myself today.


# posted by Anonymous : 7:57 AM  

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