
Friday, January 14, 2005

Smoke in my Eyes

I had a really nice day yesterday. I met a French friend for coffee. Then I tried a metro line I've never tried before -- the 14 line -- which is completely automated. There are no people driving this metro line. My friend told me she chose her apartment by location... so she'd be on the 14 line and would never have to worry about a greve/strike.

I took the 14 line to get to cross town and meet with two fellow bloggers, Vivi and Jason. What fun! I don't think we stopped talking. It was like meeting with old friends who knew so many of your old stories or experiences. Someone would say, did you read my story about...blah blah blah... and we'd say "Oh yes, I remember that story! That was a great story." We also got to ask each other questions that you wonder about when you read a part of a life... but don't get the full picture. I had such an enjoyable time.

After school my husband and I had our date night and tried a local restaurant that is always busy. We arrived at 7:50pm and were told we could wait at a table for the restaurant to open at 8:00pm. By the time our food arrived the place was packed.... with smokers. There was a couple on each side and all four people smoked. It was overwhelming. Even though the food was good, I don't think I'd go again because the smoke was stifling and I couldn't enjoy my meal. I just wanted to leave. I won't go into detail about the couple sucking face (between smokes) next to us. I've never heard so much noise made while kissing. I had to turn the other way to not laugh. I'm sure they were on a date, but really! Between the smoke and the kissing I felt like I was in a real French restaurant (does Italian restaurant in Paris count?).

The city of Paris now has a list of restaurants that are now smoke free. Look for this sign.

-- said Auntie M in Paris
1:39 PM



Wow - that is great that you all met up yesterday. And I ride the #14 line all the time. Love it!!! :-)

# posted by Pat : 4:13 PM  

Didn't they have a no smoking zone? Have you noticed when they 'dub' the kissing on films to always sounds really noisy?

# posted by Anji : 5:15 PM  

Oooooh, thank you for the metro link - the link is a good read. I liked the metro that went from Passy and over the Seine - what a memorable sight at sunset in the spring. How fun to have met other bloggers - interesting.

I have heard that it is slowly (very) getting non-smoking in some eating areas - although a token area at times. Very tough to change long inbued habits I guess. That "aroma" is what really hit me getting off the plane at CDG -whew!

Thanks for your continued wonderful writings and gorgeous pics!

Terry in SF

# posted by Anonymous : 6:19 PM  

Oh, I understand what you're talking about. I was very surprised and disturbed by all those smoke in places like bars and restaurants during my vacation those last couple of weeks in France.
As a french, I didn't mind, I guess, before. But after living in the US for the last 2 years I really feel how it's incomfortable to have to breathe smoke inside (I'm a non-smoker myself).
And even in non-smoking areas you still breathing the smoke from the smoking area. The only solution is to have totally free-smoke places. I didn't find any places without smoke.

I would love to have a transcript from your conversation with Vivi and Jason. Just to hear your thoughts about living in France and the "rude" behaviour of french people (which amazed me during my stay).

# posted by Jérôme : 8:21 PM  

Now for a No Face Sucking Zone sign....

# posted by BohemianMama : 9:03 PM  

Pat, I enjoyed my ride on the 14 line. My line seems so old and run down in comparison. We'll have to get together sometime too.
Anji, Good question. Apparently, we might have been in the smoking section, but my husband said that everybody in the other section of the restaurant was also smoking. I never noticed the dubbed kissing in films, but now I will.
Terry, I love that metro line. Wasn't there a scence in French Kiss where she takes that line? It was beautiful. Thank you for your kind comments. I do appreciate them!
Jerome, I think I can say that Vivi, Jason and I LOVE France, but we did have a few tales, especially about our experiences with Noos!
BM, Exactly. I don't think I'll soon forget that couple.

# posted by Auntie M in Paris : 9:58 PM  

Sorry, we'll try to keep it down next time.

# posted by DC-Giant : 10:37 PM  

DC, Yeah, well try to keep the tongue slurping noise down next time.

# posted by Auntie M in Paris : 10:54 PM  

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