
Sunday, April 10, 2005

Seine Cruise

I've been planning the birthday party for my sister for a couple of months. Although we have a week of fun activities planned, today was the special day when the whole family would be in town to celebrate her birthday. What did we do? My brother-in-law rented a Yachts de Paris boat and our family took a private dinner cruise on the Seine river.

We all met at the boat. Our cruise started at 5pm because we had to deal with lots of jet lag, and to be honest, we are Americans and eating early doesn't bother us. When I asked the woman if we could rent the boat at 5pm (dinner at 6pm) she asked "won't you be hungry later on?" But it was perfect. The weather wasn't too cold. We took the cruise and had plenty of light for all the pictures we wanted to take. The food was really good. There were 14 of us for dinner.

The cruise just felt really special, and I wasn't even the birthday girl! It hit me when my father was impressed with the whole event. The kids loved the cruise and we got to enjoy a good meal with unbelievable views. It was a wonderful evening and a perfect way for the whole family to celebrate.

It was the very first time all my family has been together.... my two sisters and their families and my father and his wife and I'm glad to report we all got along and there was no screaming involved (don't ask about the last time!) Tomorrow our group heads their separate ways.... my father heads down with my French sister to the south and my nephews head back to the US. That leaves me and my birthday sister and our families to get in trouble this week!

The view as we pulled in to dock.

-- said Auntie M in Paris
10:56 PM



I think you may be having a few people saying they're in your family so they get M's royal birthday treatment. What a wonderful get-together - the table setting, the view... Terry in SF

# posted by Anonymous : 12:19 AM  

Congratulations on the success of your surprise party! What an unforgettable experience!

# posted by Oz : 12:25 AM  

I rememer that view! You brought back some wonderful memories of my last trip to Paris, which I took for my 40th in 2001, where a French friend planned a lovely birthday dinner cruise for me and my mom, who traveled with me. It wasn't one of the private yachts but a bateau-mouche which was quite nice, and the weather (in May) was perfect, the meal was fantastic, and the whole evening was unforgettable, ending after dark with the Eiffel Tower twinkling followed by a drive around the city to see more of the lights.

# posted by Lisa : 2:00 AM  

Ooh what a fancy schmancy birthday party!! It must be great to have had the WHOLE FAMILY come to Paris!!

# posted by Sammy : 10:01 AM  

Wow, thanks for sharing the table pic. The table looks so comfortable and so luxurious at the same time. Your family shared many riches this past weekend & that sounds fab.
patty (just outta dc)

# posted by Anonymous : 4:09 PM  

The dinner cruise sounds fabulous. I've only ever cruised the Seine on a Bateau Mouche with a miliion other tourists. Your version has me thinking all Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn in that scene from "Charade" when they went on a very civilised jaunt down the river.

# posted by franchini : 7:08 PM  

Terry, I think if I could do anything I'd be an events planner!
Oz, Actually, I think my sister faked her "surprise"." But even if it wasn't a total surprise it was a wonderful event.
Lisa, I didn't know about that the Bateaux Mouches had dinner cruises. Since I've planned my sisters Seine cruise people have now told me how nice the Bateaux Mouches dinner cruises are and that the food is terrific.
Sammy, Yes, it's been great, but I am exhausted!
Patty, I think we all felt fortunate that we finally got the whole family together and in such a special way.
Franchini, I've never seen Charade. I'll have to check out that movie.

# posted by Auntie M in Paris : 9:51 AM  

Wow, I couldn't think of something for my 40th -- I guess I could do this for my 41st, though that's not really a landmark b-day, is it... What a great idea, and how nice to have your entire family there...

# posted by Magillicuddy : 2:44 PM  

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