Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Harry Potter
During the week I spent in Brittany with my girlfriend's family, her oldest son was reading the 5th Harry Potter book. He took it with him everywhere, talked about the characters, and made up games, like a version of Quidditch in the swimming pool.Once we left the family, my son had a sudden strong interest in Harry Potter and asked that we buy him the book to read. I'd read (and he read at school) the first book to him in English, so we bought the second book for him to read in French. It was funny that he read the first set up chapter and had lots of questions about what was going to happen or why did such and such happen. We had to tell him that the rest of the book would explain it all and that was the fun of reading. I think (hope!) a little light popped on.
He carried the book around everywhere, just like his friend. He reads a few pages everyday. There is nothing like an older kid so interested in reading a book to make it interesting for a younger child.

-- said Auntie M in Paris
9:36 AM
We bought the 6th one at an independent bookseller, still more in cost than say, a Borders. It was a "good lesson" in explaining supporting the independent sellers when possible. Terry in SF
# posted by Anonymous : 12:04 PM
# posted by daisy : 2:52 PM
Congratulations on your reader!
# posted by BohemianMama : 5:17 PM
# posted by Anne : 8:41 PM
# posted by Anne : 8:42 PM
# posted by KenGee in SF : 9:57 PM
The brother-in-law
# posted by Anonymous : 8:42 PM
# posted by Anonymous : 11:39 PM