Monday, May 30, 2005
Birthday Party
My daughter attended a birthday party yesterday for a friend in her class. When it was time to sing 'Joyeux Anniversaire,' the kids all sang loud and clear. When that was over, the older sister of the birthday girl suggested 'Buon Compleanno' -- in Italian, because her mother is Italian. Then the group suggested 'Happy Birthday' and they all proudly sang the song because they had learned it in school. After that, the older sister suggested German because their babysitter spoke German. Finally, a few of the kids wanted to sing the song in Spanish because two families were from Spain. All this from a group of 5-year olds and an 8-year old. Just another reason why I love life in Paris.
-- said Auntie M in Paris
9:13 PM
# posted by Anonymous : 10:59 PM
# posted by kenju : 11:12 PM
# posted by Pecos Blue : 3:25 AM
# posted by Amy Alkon : 8:23 AM
Terry, I should have recorded it! That's a great idea.
Pecos Blue, Well, it's not so necessary in the US because, as you say, it's so big and everyone pretty much speaks English. From Paris, you could drive 5/7/9 hours and you could be in a country speaking German, Dutch, English, Italian, Spainish... it's amazing.
Mommy d, The kids don't even realize how great it is.
Amy, It's hard to appreciate how ethnocentric we are until you travel abroad, I think.
# posted by Auntie M in Paris : 12:38 PM