Monday, June 27, 2005
As a follow on to my Smart Car post ...

Converse Chuck Taylor sneakers are popular. In Paris. It's true. Maybe they are popular elsewhere too? Honestly, I can't get over how popular they are here. Young hip things where them all around. My Parisian blogging friend has a whole family of converse sneakers.
And cream is the color. One day I saw two young women wearing the exact same cream converse sneaker on the bus -- and I rarely see people wearing the same thing. Every Paris sneaker store you pass has lots of converse sneakers in the showcase. I really want a pair. Too bad they look awful on my feet.
-- said Auntie M in Paris
10:19 PM
Converse high tops, which weren't always easy to find. Of course, now that everyone is wearing
Converse high tops, he wouldn't be caught dead in them!
# posted by Lisa : 10:58 PM
# posted by : 12:44 AM
# posted by Melody : 2:48 AM
I have a friend living in Venezia right now, and he remarked how popular those things are.
# posted by Joe : 3:40 AM
# posted by : 10:10 AM
# posted by : 4:04 PM
# posted by Anonymous : 4:48 PM
# posted by Multicoloured Bracelet (aka: Nat) : 1:33 PM
# posted by kristin : 12:19 AM
# posted by Anonymous : 1:14 AM
# posted by : 7:09 PM
it's in the westgate shoppnig center, in the under-cover bit
hope that helps!
# posted by soxiez : 8:39 PM